Friends of Winter

is your local fine art framing studio.

Find us at 4396 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.

Archival framing.

Well Protected

We employ archival framing techniques to help preserve your piece for years to come.

Well Made

We source only the highest quality materials and take the utmost care in our work.

Well Designed

We guide you through the design process step-by-step to help bring your vision to life.

Our work.

Our name.

The three friends of winter are pine, bamboo and plum blossom, who thrive while other plants lay dormant. Pine is evergreen and lasts for many lifetimes. Bamboo grows fast and flexible, but always straight. Plum blossoms bloom even as other flowers are wither away. The positive symbolic meanings of these three friends have ensured their presence as a recurring motif in Asian art and philosophy for generations.

The three friends of winter are pine, bamboo and plum blossom, who thrive while other plants lay dormant. Pine is evergreen and lasts for many lifetimes. Bamboo grows fast and flexible, but always straight. Plum blossoms bloom even as other flowers are wither away. The positive symbolic meanings of these three friends have ensured their presence as a recurring motif in Asian art and philosophy for generations.


The three friends of winter are pine, bamboo, and plum blossom, who do not wither with the changing of the seasons. They represent steadfastness, perseverance, and resilience - values which we seek to uphold in our work.